In Memory of Puma ... where true success is measured by Supreme and Australian Champion titles awarded by Dogs Australia In Memory of Grand Champion Vonpeta Grace N Beauty A 2:6 Z 0:0 BSC 4 July 2016 to 19 March 2024 Multi Excellent, Best in Show Specialty, GSDC of SA Championship Show under Dr. Wolfgang Lauber SV 2018 from the intermediate class and multi in group awards at all breeds shows. Best of Breed Adelaide Royal 3 consecutive years 2017, 2018 and 2019 Bred owned and loved by Jane & Peter. Puma mothered three Australian Champions, two of which continued her reign at Adelaide Royals with son Ch Vonpeta Qwackawoody AZ aka Harry BOB and daughter Ch Vonpeta Veni Vedi Vici AZ aka Booma RUBOB 2022 whilst in 2023 Harry again won dog challenge with her grandson Ch Vonpeta Hes Hung Lyka AZ aka Odin being reserve challenge dog. There is little doubt that her progeny will continue her feats for years to come. Her real value was as a treasured member of our doggie family. She was an outgoing scallywag who dived bombed you when you were not looking in the swimming pool and was the biggest show off and puppy saleswoman you have ever met! Clean as a whistle in the house but could not sleep in because she insisted on waking at 3am every morning not to go to toilet but wanting to play. We tried everything but she eventually had to sleep in the kennel or trailer where her 3am antics never happened. Anybody who witnessed her performance at Adelaide Royal when she did a complete lap of the ring with her head arched watching herself on the big TV will never forget her. She was different but a wonderful happy loyal friend to the very end. The humans left with broken hearts…..
Peter Damarell Two Wells, SA, Australia Phone : +61412809499 Email : [email protected] |