Vonpeta Kennels - Two Wells, South Australia 

2008 National Show

... where true success is measured by Supreme and Australian Champion titles awarded by the ANKC 

Welcome to our 2008 National Photo Album.
Click each link to view larger photo.

Memories of the 2008 GSDC of Australian National Show and Restricted Trial will remain with us for a life time.  It was an experience that you dream of and then can treasure for ever.


Photos below by OPTEC and Sister Jeannie Johnston - with thanks.

Copy of GSD WORLD post by Peter after the show in MAY 2008

Hi All, this is the "Peter side" of Vonpeta and I too would like to congratulate all the winners at the 2008 National.

Although I am a little reluctant to "own up", I am in the "Veteran's Class" having first handled in the Open dog Class at the 1974 National. My message to all is that no matter how hard you try and how effective you are as a breeder and trainer of our wonderful breed, you need a little help from your friends and you need a dash of luck to get to the top on any given day let alone a National.

Our girl Storm was "having puppies" four or so weeks ago but after a hurried scan she was put back in work with milk still streaming from her. Now that is more than a dash of luck! If she was pregnant NO GOLD MEDAL! I truly believe that on any given day the top 20 or so animals could be placed in different order without strong objection from those who have the experience to make such assessment so you do need an ounce of luck on the day.

My strongest feeling after the dust settled is how lucky we were and a deep feeling of how many people in our kennel lives, had made a contribution over what for me has been 35 years. May I publicly pay tribute to the following people in no particular order (for without them Jane and I would not have experienced the thrill of THE GOLD MEDAL)

Betty McMonagle, Hilda Williams, Reg and Eunice Atkinson (who would both approve of Storm winning their son-in-law's trophy), Vic and Marga Coric, Ken and Sheila Royal, Steve and Christine Collins (so often our "puppy sounding boards"), our numerous dedicated handlers Deb Mayne, Jamie Phillis, Robbie Evans, Ian Cooke, Ashley Wittenberg, Judy O'Loughlin, Andrew Jones and THE GOLD MAN Steve Crozier.

In addition to our "Shepherd friends" we must thank our "all breeds" friends who have been strong contributors in our learning about dogs and breeding generally. We will miss some but again in no particular order; Jim and Lyndall Black, Marg and Harry Paynter, John and Joyce Sullivan, John and Marie Rice, Joey and Pauline Lim, Connie and Bob Redhead, Ross and Tracey Wittenberg and "Human Heidi" Heidi Evers.

And lastly but by no means least may I publicly acknowledge the hard work and dedication that my loving partner Jane shares with both our dogs and me. She works harder than any individual I have ever met. Upon my separation in 1990, Vonpeta Kennels was all but "Dead and Buried" but Jane renewed my enthusiasm and without her I would never have experienced the GOLD MEDAL thrill.  Meeting Jane is another example of how lucky I personally have been.

To all our friends in the dog world, may we both say thank you all and best of luck for the future.


Storm on the Red Carpet with Steve "The Gold Man" Crozier.
The Holy Grail! The Gold Medal.
Vonpeta Breeders Group
Storm "Is it over yet?"
Mona relaxing with Ashley.
Sharing the joy with a hippie (alas Ian Urie)!
Avy "You calling me?"
Listening intently to the critiques.
Jamie holding onto his favourite SABLE Avy!
Mona & Ashley waiting to go in.
Mona, the oldest in the class, leading them in.
I think Mona knows exactly where her double handler is!
What a head!
Top group doing an up and back.
Jane looking a tad tense.... and this was before the call out!
Surely it is over now?
The Trophy Table
The Gold Man cuddling his Golden Girl!
Jane picking up the spoils! Just a bit happy?
Peter was a little bit happy also!
Look what I got!
Vonpeta Dipstick A Z Class I "Dippa"


Contact Details
Peter Damarell
Two Wells, SA, Australia
Phone : +61412809499
Email : [email protected]

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