... where true success is measured by Supreme and Australian Champion titles awarded by the ANKC Visit the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Vonpeta MUCH EXCITEMENT - PUPPIES DUE 22 JANUARY 2025! BACK TO BACK GROUPS..... MUCH EXCITEMENT - PUPPIES HAVE ARRIVED! VALE - GRAND CHAMPION VONPETA GRACE N BEAUTY AZ BSC Visit our In Memory page for Puma CLICK HERE
THE J KIDS.. MORE EXCITEMENT - PUPPIES AVAILABLE..... MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND..... PUPPIES HAVE ARRIVED..... ROYAL SHOW DUN & DUSTED! Vonpeta Berry Da Bone AZ became Vonpeta's 47th Australian Champion in July 2022. Handled by Andrew and Peter. Champion Vonpeta Give Us a Grin AZ gave birth to 9 beautiful puppies on 22 Feburary 2022 (refer puppy page). We have been showing sparingly during the year so far, however we will be back in force very soon at shows.
BUSY START TO 2022 AT VONPETA.... Supreme Champion Vonpeta Faze Im Goin Thru AZ gave birth to 9 beautiful puppies. Then Harmony achieved her Supreme Champion title and can now be known as Supreme Ch Vonpeta No Harmonisation AZ. Then after much fun campaigning the fluffy thing in our yard "Puma Pants", the funniest dog in the world gained enough points to add GRAND to her name. The fluffy can now be called *Grand Champion Vonpeta Grace N Beauty AZ. .......and to top of the cracker start Stewart can now be known as Champion Vonpeta Ess Eff Aay. Stewie achieved this at just 8 1/2 months of age.
SABLE FLUFFY NEWS! Two more kids from Leberhine Jeronimoe x Vonpeta Grace N Beauty have been awarded the A & Z Stamps for Hip and Elbow results. Contratulations to Vonpeta Valley of Dreams (owned by Maria Tataroglou) & Vonpeta Veni Vidi Vici (owned by Mel & Dave Adamson) on both receiving the offcial notification of their results (4/1/21) FLUFFY NEWS! New champion crowned - Vonpeta Veni Vidi Vici aka Booma can now add Champion to her name. Thanks to Mel & Dave of Vondoussa Kennels for campaigning the "destructo" machine to her title. Also, thanks to all who have handled the fluffy one to get her there.
PUPPY ENQUIRIES *Ch Vonpeta Grace N Beauty AZ will be mated toward the end of the year which will be a Long Stock Coat litter. Keep your eye on this page for updates. Stock coat matings will be annouced as soon as possible. MORE EXCITING NEWS *Supreme Champion Vonpeta Faze Im Goin Thru AZ (Faze) presented the kennel with 7 beautfiful babies on Sunday 28 June sire *Ypsilon Di Casa Caputi a ED The waiting list for these puppies has exceeded expectations and therefore, at this stage, no further addtions to the expression of interest list will be taken. EXCITING NEWS *Supreme Champion Vonpeta Faze Im Goin Thru AZ (Faze) has been confirmed in whelp to the stunning *Ypsilon Di Casa Caputi a ED and is due around 28 June. Click on the link above for more information. KID'S COLUMN! Woof... Vonpeta Ugottabekidding here (aka Kid)! It has been supremely tough over the last few months for us doggies.... we have not been able to socialise at cafes, shopping centres or go for walks where their are lots of people. It is still going to be hard over the next few months. Now that restrictions for our humans are being eased it is time to nag them to get out your lead and get you out and about. This is really important for puppies to venture out into the big wide world and see new things. Even us old dogs like to go out too .... so get your feet moving and please have some fun with us! Supreme love.... Kid!
Dogs SA Membership Number: 5000007110 Members of Dogs SA. Vonpeta Kennels feed only ADVANCE and are proud ADVANCE Ambassadors.
Peter Damarell Two Wells, SA, Australia Phone : +61412809499 Email : [email protected] 281779 Visitors |